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Meet Krista

Krista Bontrager is a public theologian and fourth generation Bible teacher. She is an author, podcaster, and former university professor. Krista has a unique ability to connect theology with real life. Krista has worked professionally in theology and apologetics for over 25 years and transitioned into full time ministry with the Center for Biblical Unity in 2021. She is committed to equipping Christians to properly interpret the Bible and apply Scripture to contemporary social issues.



D.Min. Candidate, Public Theology
Birmingham Theological Seminary


M.A. Bible Exposition
Talbot School of Theology


M.A. Theology
Talbot School of Theology


B.A. Communications
Biola University


Krista is a public theologian who specializes in biblical interpretation, the doctrine of creation, the integration of general and special revelation, science apologetics, worldview development, theology of ethnicity, biblical interpretation, and justice. â€‹


So, you may be wondering: What exactly is a "public theologian"? It means that Krista is a scholar who has been trained in the academy, but doesn't work in the academy. Instead, her work focuses on making theology accessible to non-specialists (aka "regular people") who are discipling others in the Faith, particularly pastors, Christian ministry leaders and parents. 


Krista's dissertation topic: "An Investigation into Socially Located Biblical Interpretation and Theology: Its Connections to Standpoint Theory and Its Impact on Evangelical Preaching and Teaching"

I Believe

Krista is a strong advocate for historic Christianity. She holds convictions consistent with the following statements of faith:


Read Krista's blog post about her denominational journey.


Krista maintains an active associate membership in the Evangelical Theological Society.


Krista is a strong supporter of the ministry of the local church and encourages followers of her ministry to be known by their elders. She is not a pastor, elder, priest or bishop. Her teaching in intended to be a supplement for local church discipleship, not a substitute for it.

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